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Fasted Cardio Myth

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Alright, this “cardio on an empty stomach / fasted cardio / morning cardio” idea is getting out of hand, and the trolls advocating it have gotten creative over the past few months.

Back then, their main idea was that the body completely depletes itself of carbohydrates over a period of 8 hours sleep. Even 6, if memory serves. After learning what a load of crap that was, and that carbohydrates saturated liver levels maintain a half life expectancy of 36(!) hours post last carb feeding, these trolls and fellow broscientists moved on to the idea that maintaining a ketogenic diet (which operates on 0-5% carb consumption) will complete their wet dream of tricking the body into burning more fat when it now runs on 0 carbs, and basically just ketones derived from lipids in their fatty tissues, and later on during the day- The ketones made from lipids in their food sources.

There are still 2 fundemental problems with this approach:
1. Net Fat Balance
The body has, much like a caloric balance, a net fat balance. It will use triglycerids from its existing tissues using a certain (and ever changing) constant representing the factor in which the caloric intake allows the body to spare its precious fatty tissue volume. This, of course, depends on the caloric intake as well.

Let’s assume for instance that they are actually right, fasted cardio magically burned off more fat than it would have if the activity was done after a meal or two. The daily average net fat balance would not continue to grow in deficiency, it will eventually b-a-l-a-n-c-e out in the end of the day. Meaning, post said fasted cardio, the first meal consumed will restore a portion of the caloric de-value in terms of triglycerids returning to the fatty tissues. The end day caloric value, had it not changed from being deficient, would conclude in the same fatty tissue atrophy had it been a cause of doing said cardio fasted, or not.

Why? Because the energetic expenditure did not change, and even if the fat balance early in the day was smaller than the factor allowed (a temporary condition due to the cardio itself, and not it being done while “fasted”), the next few feeding sessions will compensate and restore an equivalent portion back, depending on the overall intake, and maintain the same daily net fat balance.

There’s absolutely no (natural) way around this equation. You’ve eaten X and exercised Y. Whether or not a portion of that Y was done earlier in the day, and X was eaten later, the same equation stands before us: X – Y = Num. The BMI tissues disintegration (bone mass, collagen density, water, fat, FFM, etc) will stay the same. Maybe it will be a little skewed at the beginning of the day, but eventually balance out, on daily and weekly prospectives.

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