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Routine Changing

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Let’s get down to brass tax here. Changing your routine because it’s boring or because you’ve been on it for “too long” is not only superfluous, but damaging to your goals in the long run.

Let’s interpret. The idea in the cartesian below refers to changing types and classes of exercises. It doesn’t correlate with changing a repetition, volume or frequency scheme.

When there’s a change in the routine, motorically speaking, it is accompanied with a period of sessions required to reacquaintance yourself with it load-wise, and most importantly- from a neural prospective. As the path of travel changes, so does the neuron reciprocity and the applicable watt interchanging which contracts the muscles. It also changes the types of stabilizers involved and as experience shows, the newer the movement, the harder it is at first.

That’s why sometimes you find it awkward that a 45lbs item that you have to pick off the floor or with a friend due to its complex construct (like a table or a vase) often feels more strenuous than the typical 45lbs plate that you’re accustomed to in the gym.

When one changes routines frequently (for whatever reason), he/she doesn’t take into account those recession periods in the progressive load long term scale. Since those irregularities are considered short term, they’re often disregarded completely, but they do have an overall negative sweeping reduction. Add to that the fact that most trainees don’t bother transferring their %ppo from previous exercises to gauge their alternative exercises’ applicable percentiles and just use “whatever weight feels comfortable”, and you have yourself an alarming stagnative gap in your long term goals.

Don’t worry about the complex cartesian, it’s less important than the message itself- Changing a single routine in the long term has a marginal proximity of zero to deviate results. However, if you do this on a monthly or bimonthly or even biannual rate, the sweeping deviation will be negative, and your only accomplishment is having downgraded your the efficacy of your goals.

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