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Hematoidin Crystals

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A word on hematoidin (blood) crystals, copy pasting an article I already wrote over a year ago.

First, the incentive/motivation behind understanding of this phenomenon:

“The conditions in which hematoidin crystals form and amassed in the circulatory system are enhanced several folds in regards to subjects which regularly train in the fields of strength and hypertrophy, in contrast to non heavy weight trainees and in contrast to the majority of the population which does not train at all.

As a result, many of the inflammations occuring, especially joint related chronic conditions, are direct results of bloody crystals forming to an extent of blocking several main capillaries to a certain area in the muscle-joint convergence, making the trainee stop the activity at some degree due to inability to perform the action at the given angles, or stop all together (Pending severity and magnitude of the crystallization, and the number of capillaries blocked).
Furthermore, senescent blood may be clogged in said clotted capillaries and further hamper the circulatory system effectiveness in that area, causing for an over-extended duration of the pathology by continuing to hamper its removal from said system.

This is one of the biggest most common pathologies concerning injuries in the weight lifting room, and yet very few know of this condition/phenomenon.

Another possible treatment which proved effective over a multitude of tests is a deep tissue massage (Does not mean to be relaxing, rather quite painful), followed by bloodletting using a transfusion device or a simple sterilized needle and the cupping method, generally common in the practice of acupuncturists.”

The article link:

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